Kniphofia 'Tawny King' - 2Ltr Pots
Kniphofia ‘Tawny Kings’ burnt orange buds add drama to any sunny border. Creamy-yellow flowers on tall stems can be enjoyed through the late summer months. Ideal for mid-back border displays. Thriving in rich, fertile soils, they look great grown alongside flowering grasses.
Kniphofia ‘Tawny Kings’ burnt orange buds add drama to any sunny border. Creamy-yellow flowers on tall stems can be enjoyed through the late summer months. Ideal for mid-back border displays. Thriving in rich, fertile soils, they look great grown alongside flowering grasses.
Kniphofia ‘Tawny Kings’ burnt orange buds add drama to any sunny border. Creamy-yellow flowers on tall stems can be enjoyed through the late summer months. Ideal for mid-back border displays. Thriving in rich, fertile soils, they look great grown alongside flowering grasses.
Thrives in full sun
Approx 120cm tall
Approx 80cm spread
Yellow/Orange/Cream flowers through July-August
Strappy leaves
Prefers rich, fertile, well-drained soil
Great for brightening sunny borders. A good coastal plant