The Kettles on …

Awarded Gold by the judges at BBC Gardeners World Spring Fair, Beaulieu.

The theme set this year was ‘shared space’. Working in partnership with Tiffany Passmore Garden Design we have designed a border that simulates the idea of a mini woodland community orchard that can be shared by people and wildlife. A spine of pallet wood uprights spirals through the mixed edible and perennial planting with arms leading off to open up views through the border from all sides. A central meeting area invites you to sit on a log and enjoy a cup of tea or a fruit jam recipe. A small pond collects rainwater for frogs and insects. Trugs and fruit boxes grow herbs and fruits ready to share out to friends and neighbours.

The idea of this border is that it can be extended to almost any size and maybe include a meadow between the fruiting trees. The plants are mostly suitable for shady conditions, or do well in early spring before deciduous cover takes over. Paths provide access to all plants and views throughout the border.

The border will be planted with mostly partial- shade loving varieties. We have chosen a pink, purple, blue, bronze and orange colour theme that could continue through the year. Herbs and tender plants are grown in containers that can easily be moved. Orchard plants have spring interest with fruits later in the year. Path and hand made panels provide access, interest and support for various plants.


The Kettles On – Plant list


Apple Laxtons superb SF (self fertilizing)

Apple cox Orange Pippin SF

Pear Conference

Gooseberry Invicta

Iris Sable

Cirisium atropurpureum

Geum Totally Tangerine

Geranium Phaeum

Astrantia hadspen blood

Thalictricum aquilegifolium

Thalictricum Nimbus Pink

Digitalis Suttons Apricot

Primula bulleesiana

Lamium Orvala

Tirella Pink Sky Rocket


Dryopteris erythrosora prolifica

Polystichum braunii

Luzula Sylvatica aureomarginata