Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - 2Ltr pots

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - 2Ltr pots


A tall, deciduous variety with slender arching green leaves. Easily recognised by the distinct white stripe running down the centre of each leaf. Striking, silky brown flower tassels in late summer and autumn. Great option if you are looking to add movement and texture to borders. Thrives in well drained soils in open sunny areas.

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Key Features

• Thrives in full sun

• Deciduous

• Approx 1.8m tall

• Approx 1.2m spread

• Silky brown tassel like flowers - August-September

• Slender green foliage

• Moderately fertile, well drained soils

• Open, sunny borders

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