We specialise in supplying mature and specimen plants. These are a great way to add instant maturity and height to your garden borders. You can take advantage of our long-established links to growers across Hampshire and the South-East. We are happy to guide you on the search for your perfect plants to suit your garden. Please contact us on kat@plantsfordesign.co.uk with your requirements.
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree
A lovely evergreen shrub/small tree. Enjoys a sheltered position in full sun. Known for its round, strawberry like fruits. Pretty bell shaped flowers through the autumn months.
Aucuba - Japanese Laurel
A great evergreen option for shady spots. Range of leaf colours including dark green and yellow/green variegated. Evergreen.
Callicarpa bod. Profusion - Beautyberry
Vivid purple berries in autumn and lilac coloured flowers in early summer. Lanceolate shaped deciduous leaves which turn a lovely rosy colour. Prefers a sunny/partially shaded with well-drained soil.
Choisya - Mexican Orange Blossom
Bushy, evergreen shrubs with green or limey yellow leaves. Oval or lanceolate leaves depending on variety. Masses of showy, white, beautifully scented flowers in late spring. A second show of flowers in late summer. Thrives in a sunny or partially shaded location with free draining soil.
Cornus Kousa - Chinese dogwood
Large, deciduous shrub/small tree. Abundant flowers varying from pure white through shades of light and dark pink. Stunning autumn foliage. Prefers a sheltered , sunny spot with free draining soil.
Elaeagnus - Silverberry
A lovely evergreen shrub that can be grown as a hedge or a stand alone shrub. Grey/green and variegated leafed varieties available. Scented white flowers in the autumn months. A valuable nectar source to bees and other pollinating insects. Thrives in sunny conditions and exposed costal sites.
Euonymous Alatus - Winged Spindle
Dark green leaves turn a stunning crimson-red in the autumn. Corky, ridged, red tinged stems look impressive through the winter months. Prefers a sheltered , sunny spot with free draining soil. Deciduous.
Fatsia Japonica - Japanese aralia
Exotic looking , large, glossy evergreen leaves. Showy panicles of creamy-white flowers in autumn. Prefers a sheltered, sunny or partially shaded spot with free draining soil.
Lots of lovely varieties to choose from. With flower colours ranging from pure whites and limey-greens, through to pinks and blues. Many varieties have attractive autumn colours. These deciduous shrubs prefer a sheltered, sunny or partially shaded spot with free draining soil.
Silky buds, followed by a stunning show of spring flowers. Supplied as shrubs or small trees. These deciduous shrubs prefer a sheltered, sunny spot with free draining soil.
Bright yellow flowers from autumn right through to early spring. Very prickly evergreen leaves. Dark blue berries. Loved by the birds. Enjoys a sunny or partially shaded spot with free draining soil.
Nandina - Sacred bamboo
Stunning leaf colours with shades of red, orange, greens and yellows in winter. Panicles of white flowers in summer followed by red berries in autumn. Enjoy a sheltered position in full sun.
Neat evergreen shrubs with leaf colours ranging through greens, limey greens, variegated and purples. Scented purple flowers on mature plants. Some varieties can be grown as large shrubs and others can be kept small and rounded. Pittosporum Golf Ball is a great alternative to box balls.
Fabulous evergreen shrubs that give interest year-round. Colourful red and green buds through the winter months followed by scented creamy-white flowers in Spring. Thrive in a sheltered shady spot, favouring a neutral-acid soil.