We believe, well maintained hedges are the foundation for any garden. They bring structure, year-round colour, and wildlife habitat to the garden. They provide screening, enable privacy, and give much needed protection from wind. They require minimal work, whilst giving maximum effect.
Hedging is available year-round but more varieties and options are available through the autumn and winter months. Root ball (RB) and Bare root (BR) hedging are great options and there are lots of varieties available to choose from. Because they are field grown, RB & BR plants are already used to tougher conditions and as such they thrive readily in most gardens.
Guide to hedging sizes we supply
2/3L Pots - These make the perfect starter size plant for planting directly into the ground. Available year round
10L Pots - Well branched, bushy plants that provide excellent coverage from the moment they are planted. Available year round
25L Pots - Well branched, bushy plants. These provide instant screening from the moment they are planted. Available year round
Rootball - Well branched, field grown plants. These provide excellent coverage from the moment they are planted. Available mid-october -march
Bare root - Great starter plants for deciduous hedging. These come in a range of heights starting with 40-60 cm and going right up to 150-175cm. They are field grown plants and when lifted the soil is shaken from the roots. They are predominantly single stem with some side branches. Available november - march
Carpinus betulus - Common Hornbeam
A lovely deciduous variety with oval limey-green leaves. Like beech, hornbeam holds onto its dried leaves through the winter months giving a level of screening. Lovely autumn colour with leaves turning from golden yellow through to orange. It grows well on most soils including chalk and clay. A great variety to choose for partially shaded areas. Grows well on both costal and inland sites.
Corylus avellana - Hazel
Native, large leaved deciduous hedging variety. Fluttery limey green leaves, elegant catkins and an autumn harvest of tasty hazelnuts make this an extremely popular hedging choice. . Thriving in most soil types in full sun through to partial shade. Hazel grows well in both inland and exposed costal sites, so an incredibly versatile option. Can be planted as a single species hedge or mixed in with other native hedging to create a diverse, wildlife friendly habitat
Cupressocyparis Leylandii - Leylandii
Very vigorous, fast growing hedging variety that can grow at a rate of 70-90cm per year. Boasting citrus scented, green foliage leylandii is a great hedging variety if you are looking to create a tall, dense hedge. Equally it is great for those who want to keep a shorter approx. 2m hedge. Regularly clipping can keep this variety short and neat.
Elaeagnus ebbingei - Silverberry
Great hedging choice for both coastal and inland sites. Medium sized silvery grey-green leaves that look fabulous year-round. Clusters of white, bell shaped, perfumed flowers in spring, followed by oval shaped reddish-brown berries in autumn. Elaeagnus is easy to grow in well drained soils in either sunny or partially shady sites. It is tolerant of most conditions, including exposed, windy, and costal sites.
Fagus sylvatica - Common Beech
Fabulous hedging variety with soft, lime green feathery foliage in spring which mature to deep green oval leaves. Although deciduous, beech retains its leaves through until early spring when the new leaves emerge. Beech can be planted alone as a formal hedge or mixed in with other native hedging varieties such as hawthorn, blackthorn, guelder rose to create a more natural and wildlife friendly environment.
Fuchsia magellanica ‘Riccartonii’
An attractive long-flowering fuchsia variety that makes a fantastic informal hedge. Masses of showy, bright pink-red flowers with purple centres bloom from early summer through to autumn. Favouring moist, well-drained soil ‘Riccartonii’ thrives in full sun through to partial shade.
Griselinia littoralis - New Zealand Broadleaf
A fast growing, evergreen hedging variety which thrives in coastal areas. Glossy bright green oval shaped leaves knit tightly together to form a dense hedge. Easy to maintain with an average growth rate of approximately 30-40cm pear year. Trimmed regularly, this variety can be kept relatively narrow. Great variety for nesting birds.
Ilex aquifolium - Common Holly
A traditional evergreen spikey hedging variety that looks great year-round. Lovely dark green, exceptionally prickly leaves make this an ideal variety if you looking to add some extra security measures. Bright red winter berries not only look great but are a welcome treat for native birds. Thriving in full sun or partial shade, with free draining soil in both sheltered and exposed and costal conditions. Looks great planted alone or mixed in with other native hedging.
Laurus nobilis - Common Bay
Aromatic, elliptical dark green eaves year round. Whorls of tiny white flowers followed by green turning black berries enjoyed by birds. Originating from the Mediterranean, bay thrives in full sun and enjoys rich, fertile, free draining soil types. Easy to maintain with regular pruning, this wonderfully fragrant hedging variety is perfect for growing in sheltered gardens. They are tolerant of costal sites but should be protected from harsh winds through the colder months.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ - Christmas Berry
Stunning evergreen hedging variety with red glossy leaves through the spring and summer. These red leaves fade to green once matured. Clusters of white flowers smother this variety during the late spring. Although not an overly dense growing variety, this still provides good coverage and a reasonable level of screening year-round.
Prunus Laurocerasus - Cherry Laurel
Great choice if you are looking for a vigorous, fast-growing hedging plant. Large glossy green leaves look smart year-round. Racemes of small white flowers appear in spring, followed by glossy dark red fruits, turning black in autumn. Easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil. Easy to maintain with an average growth rate of 30-60cm per year. Great variety for nesting birds. A particular favourite for Blackbirds.
Prunus lusitanica ‘Angustifolia’- Portuguese Laurel
Perfect hedging variety for sunny and shady sites. These are exceptionally tough plants which tolerate exposed sites well. Very upright, formal looking, with pointed dark green leaves backed with bright red stems. Easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil. Easy to maintain with an average growth rate of 30-50cm per year. Great variety for nesting bird
Taxus Baccata - Common Yew
Great choice for both sunny and shady spots. Dark evergreen needle shaped leaves make for a perfect screen. Growth style is dense but slow with average annual growth of around 20-40cm. For those with a creative streak, yew is the perfect hedging option to create informal shapes right up to stunning topiarised works of art. Mature plants have beautiful red lantern shaped berries in the autumn months. Provides ideal habitat and nesting sites for many garden birds.
Low Hedging
Low hedging is a great addition to many gardens. Perfect for running alongside pathways, surrounding garden borders, and generally adding definition to planting schemes.
There are lots of shrub varieties which can be used for dwarf hedging. The most commonly used include Euonymous Jean hughes, Euonymous Green spire and Ilex crenata. These are all neat, upright varieties which are easy to maintain by clipping twice a year.
If you are feeling a bit more adventurous then you can opt for some of our other favourite varieties including Sarcoccoca confusa, with its exceptionally fragrant winter flowers or Lavandula hidcote with its fantastic year-round fragrance.
If you are looking for a variegated option, then Euonymous emerald & gold or Euonymous emerald gaiety can be shaped to give wonderfully neat, colourful hedges.
And for something a bit prickly then berberis nana can make an excellent low growing option. Neat purple leaves cover the spiky stems. remember to wear thick gloves when pruning!!!
Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spider'
A fabulous evergreen, perfect as a low hedge or a stand-alone shrub. This compact, slow growing variety showcases rich, dark green leaves year-round. Mature plants produce fragrant white flowers in the early summer months which are attractive to bees and other pollinating insects. it thrives in well-draining soil and prefers a sunny to partially shaded location in the garden. Grows well in both inland and costal gardens. Perfect replacement to box hedging.
Euonymous japonicus ‘Jean Hughes’
A fabulous evergreen, perfect as a low hedge or a stand-alone shrub. This compact, slow growing variety showcases rich, dark green leaves year-round. Mature plants produce fragrant white flowers in the early summer months which are attractive to bees and other pollinating insects. it thrives in well-draining soil and prefers a sunny to partially shaded location in the garden. ‘Jean Hughes’ is very easy to keep as a neat, dwarf hedge and makes a perfect replacement to box hedging.
Euonymous fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’
A lovely green and white variegated variety, perfect for growing as a low hedge. During the winter months, the leaves turn a deep pink/purple colour.
Lavender angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ - English Lavender
Aromatic foliage, beautiful deep violet-purple flowers and attractive to bees, butterflies and many other native insects. Well maintained lavender can make a fabulous hedge and looks great for most of the year. Fresh foliage in spring followed by an abundance of nectar rich flowers in summer and a second flush in early autumn. Thriving in well drained, alkaline soil, lavender prefer full sun and are best planted in a south or west facing position.
Sarcococca Confusa - Christmas Box
A lovely dwarf evergreen shrub with sweetly scented white flowers through the winter months. Glossy dark green foliage year round which can be clipped neatly to create a lovely dwarf hedge. Glossy, black berries form in late summer. Thrives in rich, fertile soil and prefers a partially shaded spot.